For full list of Martin Hanczyc's publications visit Google-scholar


Selected publications

  • Holler, Silvia, Federica Casiraghi, and Martin Michael Hanczyc. "Internal State of Vesicles Affects Higher Order State of Vesicle Assembly and Interaction." ACS Omega 9.50 (2024): 49316.

  • Horvath, A.S., Beloff, L., Bertel, L.B., Boros, J., Cebolla, L., Fricker, P., Hamidi, F., Hanczyc, M.M., Jochum, E., Löchtefeld, M. and Merritt, T.R., 2023. Weaving Hybrid Futures: Sustainability in Higher Education with PBL Through Art, Science, and Robotics. Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education, 11(2), pp.I-VII.

  • Holler, S., Bartlett, S., Löffler, R. J., Casiraghi, F., Diaz, C. I. S., Cartwright, J. H., & Hanczyc, M. M. (2023). Hybrid organic–inorganic structures trigger the formation of primitive cell-like compartments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(33), e2300491120.

  • Egbert, Matthew, Martin M. Hanczyc, Inman Harvey, Nathaniel Virgo, Emily C. Parke, Tom Froese, Hiroki Sayama, Alexandra S. Penn, and Stuart Bartlett. "Behaviour and the Origin of Organisms." Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres (2023): 1-26.

  • Zanovello, Luigi, Richard JG Löffler, Michele Caraglio, Thomas Franosch, Martin M. Hanczyc, and Pietro Faccioli. "Survival strategies of artificial active agents." Scientific Reports 13, no. 1 (2023): 5616.

  • Caliari, A., Hanczyc, M. M., Imai, M., Xu, J., & Yomo, T. (2023). Quantification of Giant Unilamellar Vesicle Fusion Products by High-Throughput Image Analysis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(9), 8241.

  • Löffler, R. J., Hanczyc, M. M., & Gorecki, J. (2022). A camphene-camphor-polymer composite material for the production of superhydrophobic absorbent microporous foams. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-10.

  • Watanabe, C., Tanaka, S., Löffler, R. J., Hanczyc, M. M., & Górecki, J. (2022). Dynamic ordering caused by a source-sink relation between two droplets. Soft Matter, 18(34), 6465-6474.

  • Löffler, R. J., Hanczyc, M. M., & Gorecki, J. (2021). A perfect plastic material for studies on self-propelled motion on the water surface. Molecules, 26(11), 3116.Holler, S., & Hanczyc, M. M. (2020). Autoselective transport of mammalian cells with a chemotactic droplet. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-10.

  • Holler, S., & Hanczyc, M. M. (2020). Autoselective transport of mammalian cells with a chemotactic droplet. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-10.

  • Hanczyc M.M. (2020) Engineering Life: A Review of Synthetic Biology. Artificial Life 26 (2), 260-273.Holler, S., Porcelli, C., Ieropoulos, I. A., & Hanczyc, M. M. 2018. Transport of live cells under sterile conditions using a chemotactic droplet. Scientific reports, 8(1), 8408.

  • Loffler, R.J.G., Hanczyc M.M. and Gorecki J. (2019) A hybrid camphor–camphene wax material for studies on self-propelled motion. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. Advance Article

  • Pasternak, G., Yang, Y., Santos, B. B., Brunello, F., Hanczyc, M. M., & Motta, A. (2019). Regenerated silk fibroin membranes as separators for transparent microbial fuel cells. Bioelectrochemistry, 126, 146-155.

  • Uluşeker, C., Torres-Bacete, J., García, J. L., Hanczyc, M. M., Nogales, J., & Kahramanoğulları, O. (2019). Quantifying dynamic mechanisms of auto-regulation in Escherichia coli with synthetic promoter in response to varying external phosphate levels. Scientific reports, 9(1), 2076.

  • Pasternak, G., & Hanczyc, M. M. (2019). Novel method for detecting and quantifying phenol with transient response of glycolytic oscillations of synchronised yeast cells. Sensing and Bio- Sensing Research, 100259.

  • You, J., Wallis, L., Radisavljevic, N., Pasternak, G., Sglavo, V. M., Hanczyc, M. M., Greenman, J & Ieropoulos, I. (2019). A Comprehensive Study of Custom-Made Ceramic Separators for Microbial Fuel Cells: Towards “Living” Bricks. Energies, 12(21), 4071.

  • Matsushita-Ishiodori, Y., Hanczyc, M. M., Wang, A., Szostak, J. W., & Yomo, T. (2019). Using Imaging Flow Cytometry to Quantify and Optimize Giant Vesicle Production by Water-in-oil Emulsion Transfer Methods. Langmuir.

  • Maurer, Sarah E., Kristian Tølbøl Sørensen, Zaki Iqbal, Jacqueline Nicholas, Kevin Quirion, Michael Gioia, Pierre-Alain Monnard, and Hanczyc M.M. "Vesicle Self-Assembly of Monoalkyl Amphiphiles under the Effects of High Ionic Strength, Extreme pH, and High Temperature Environments." Langmuir 34, no. 50 (2018): 15560-15568.

  • Holler, S., Porcelli, C., Ieropoulos, I. A., & Hanczyc, M. M. 2018. Transport of live cells under sterile conditions using a chemotactic droplet. Scientific reports, 8(1), 8408.Monnard, P. A., & Hanczyc, M. M. 2018. Self-assembly and primitive membrane formation: between stability and dynamism. In Self-assembly: From Surfactants To Nanoparticles. Wiley-VCH. (Book Chapter)

  • Hanczyc, M. M., & Monnard, P. A. 2017. Primordial membranes: more than simple container boundaries. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 40, 78-86.

  • Čejková, J., Banno, T., Hanczyc, M. M., & Štěpánek, F. 2017. Droplets As Liquid Robots. Artificial life, 23(4), 528-549.

  • Čejková, J., Štěpánek, F., Hanczyc, M.M. 2016. Evaporation-induced pattern formation of decanol droplets. Langmuir, 32 (19), 4800–4805.

  • Hadorn, M., Boenzli, E., Hanczyc, M.M. 2016. Specific and reversible DNA-directed self-assembly of modular vesicle-droplet hybrid materials.  Langmuir, 2016, 32 (15), 3561–3566.

  • Hanczyc, M. M., Parrilla, J. M., Nicholson, A., Yanev, K., Stoy, K. 2015. Creating and maintaining chemical artificial life by robotic symbiosis.  Artificial Life, doi:10.1162/ARTL_a_00151

  • Čejková, J., Novák, M., Štěpánek, F., Hanczyc, M. M. 2014. Dynamics of chemotactic droplets in salt concentration gradients. Langmuir, 30(40), 11937-11944.

  • Caschera F, Rasmussen S, Hanczyc MM.  2013. An Oil Droplet Division-Fusion Cycle, ChemPlusChem, 78: 52–54. doi: 10.1002/cplu.201200275.

  • Hadorn M, Boenzli E, Sørensen KT, Fellermann H, Eggenberger Hotz P, Hanczyc MM. 2012. Specific and Reversible DNA-directed Self-Assembly of Oil-in-Water Emulsion Droplets. PNAS, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1214386109.

  • Caschera F, Sunami T, Matsuura T, Suzuki H,. Hanczyc MM, Yomo T. 2011. Programmed Vesicle Fusion Triggers Gene Expression. Langmuir 2011, 27, 13082–13090.

  • Hanczyc MM. 2011. Metabolism and motility in prebiotic structures. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, 366, 2885-2893. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2011.0141

  • Hanczyc MM and Ikegami T. 2010. Chemical basis for minimal cognition. Artificial Life 16: 233–243.

  • Hanczyc MM, Toyota T, Ikegami T, Packard N, Sugawara T.  2007. Fatty Acid Chemistry at the Oil-Water Interface: Self-Propelled Oil Droplets. J Am Chem Soc. 129(30):9386-91.

  • Hanczyc MM, Fujikawa SM, and Szostak JW. 2003 Experimental models of primitive cellular compartments: encapsulation, growth and division. Science 302: 618-622.